he rhyme pattern is ABAAB, and the meter is iambic.
An Ad Hominem fallacy is when someone personally attacks you to avert the audience from the real point.
<u>Example</u>: Person 1 - <em>"We should raise the minimum wage!"</em>
Person 2 - <em>"Oh please, don't listen to her, she's not even smart</em>
<em> enough to run a business!"</em>
Person 1 attacked Person 2 without even saying why raising the minimum wage is a bad idea. Ad Hominem is when someone insults another person instead of giving reasoning to why their opinion/statement is a bad idea. They try and steer you away from the point so that you agree with them. Maybe Person 1 isn't smart enough to run a business, but maybe she has a good idea in why they should raise the minimum wage.