When she first sees it is when he returned after his ship was shipwrecked. He came out unclothed and not very good looking. But when he bathes, the goddess Athena makes him look much more attractive. Nausicaa then wants him to be her husband and does numerous favors for him. But Odysseus inly wants to get back to Penelope.
I think it is adverb clause because of the word "hardly" which emphasises the ripple of the water
these is your answer.
please mark me as brilliant
The line 'So Eden sank to grief' is an allusion, or literary reference, to the Biblical story about The Garden of Eden, a perfect paradise until Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge. By making this reference, Frost is implying that the idea nothing good can last is an old one; it's part of our human experience.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
The O.S.H.A is an abbreviation representing the words," Occupational Safety and Health Administration. O.S.H.A is a government agency in the United States which is responsible for maintaining standards of health and safety in workplaces. The O.S.H.A is responsible for controlling the hazards which occur at construction sites, construction industries or while construction. The hazards which are regulated by the O.S.H.A are Falls (from heights), Trench collapse,Scaffold collapse, Electric shock and arc flash/arc blast, Failure to use proper personal protective equipment; and Repetitive motion injuries.
In respect to Oscar's request to find the keywords which will aid him in his research, the keywords are Occupational Safety and Health Administration.