Prospero tells Miranda, his daughter, as he is creating a storm that tosses a ship, that he used to be the duke of Milan and consequently Miranda was a princess. Indeed it is Prospero who creates the storm. The fact that they have been on an island for a long time lacking interaction with other people has made Miranda lack a judgment of her own. Propspero tells that he was victim of usurpation of his kingdom from Antonio, his brother. He is teaching his daughter that not all people are kind on the world and that Antonio was not a noble person.
No, I don't think he's very trustworthy because throughout the story you can tell how out of it and demented he is.
I think he just told the story as he lived it, but it might not be what had happened. From the very beginning of the story, he tries to make a case for his sanity, but the story he tells completely undermines it and is at odds with his declarations of sanity. Throughout the story, he recalls the events that led him to murder the old man and then confess. According to the text it states, "'Villains!' I shrieked, 'dissemble no more! I admit the deed!— tear up the planks!—here, here!—it is the beating of his hideous heart!'"
it would be Abstract not a concrete.
Who indirectly receives the ceremonial food? "The ancestors." Another way of stating this is some families prepare ceremonial food from their ancestors.
They are not similies or metaphors.