Antibiotics inhibit enzymes specific to bacteria and have no effect on virally encoded enzymes
The specificity of the antibiotics to inhibits some bacterial enzymes is one of the major reasons why antibiotic do not affect viruses.In addition antibiotics are designed to have a significant destructive effects on the mechanisms of biochemical reactions in bacteria and its physiology, e,g on the cells walls,( inhibiting the formation of peptydoglycans) on certain organelles e,g ribisomes (inhibiting protein synthesis) and on the DNA(disrupting replication). The virus physiology is different from bacteria, therefore the design of antibiotics will nor affect these same mechanisms in viruses, thus no specificity for the antibiotic to act on in virus
Anterograde amnesia is the inability to create new memories after the onset of amnesia, while memories from before the event remain intact. Brain regions related to this condition include the medial temporal lobe, medial diencephalon, and hippocampus. Anterograde amnesia can be caused by the effects of long-term alcoholism, severe malnutrition, stroke, head trauma, surgery, Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, cerebrovascular events, anoxia, or other trauma. Retrograde amnesia is the inability to recall memories made before the onset of amnesia. Retrograde amnesia is usually caused by head trauma or brain damage to parts of the brain other than the hippocampus (which is involved with the encoding process of new memories). Brain damage causing retrograde amnesia can be as varied as a cerebrovascular accident, stroke, tumor, hypoxia, encephalitis, or chronic alcoholism. The there is encoding failure. Encoding is the process of converting sensory input into a form able to be processed and stored in the memory. However, this process can be impacted by a number of factors, and how well information is encoded affects how well it is able to be recalled later. On the other hand, retrieval failure is the failure to recall information in the absence of memory cues. Proactive interference occurs when old memories hinder the ability to make new memories. In this type of interference, old information inhibits the ability to remember new information, such as when outdated scientific facts interfere with the ability to remember updated facts. This often occurs when memories are learned in similar contexts, or regarding similar things. It’s when we have preconceived notions about situations and events, and apply them to current situations and events.Retroactive interference occurs when old memories are changed by new ones, sometimes so much that the original memory is forgotten. This is when newly learned information interferes with and impedes the recall of previously learned information. The ability to recall previously learned information is greatly reduced if that information is not utilized, and there is substantial new information being presented. This often occurs when hearing recent news figures, then trying to remember earlier facts and figures.
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They are called Westerlies and they blow from West to East
Self definition is being able to know who you are and what your purpose is in life. An example of self definition is when you know you are a strong, capable, confident teacher and husband.
Increased genetic variation reduces the species chances of being extinct. Conversely, reduced genetic variation in a species increase the chances of the species being extinct.
With increased genetic variation in a species, there is increased phenotypic variation amongst organisms in the species for natural selection to act on with selection pressures exerted upon the species in their environment e.g. predation or diseases. Hence even if a certain genotype express susceptibility to a certain disease, only some organisms will be selected against and there are sufficient organism without this genotype that will be able to survive and ensure the continuity of the species.
Conversely, if all the organisms express the same genotype susceptible to the disease (in extreme cases), upon exposure to the disease (which acts as the selection pressure), all the organisms will die and there will be no surviving organisms for the continuity of the species. Hence with minimal genetic variation, the species is more prone to extinction due to the inability to withstand selection pressures.
This is often a common cause of concern in the conservation of endangered species. Due to the small number of e.g. tigers remaining, most offsprings are produced through inbreeding between family members thus even though the family tree of the species is expanding, there is little genetic variation within the species. Therefore, the chances of extinction of these endangered species is high and thus biologists and conservationists have to monitor the selection pressures exerted upon these species by their environment to reduce the risk of extinction.