Step 1: An idea is introduced in Congress, it becomes a bill.
Step 2: Committees within Congress research, review, and approve.
Step 3: The bill is introduced to the House or Senate floors for all to review and consider.
Step 4: If approved by both the House and Senate, the bill moves to the President.
Step 5: President approves the bill and it becomes law.
Initially, hunter and gatherers began to settle in the villages of Africa and began the domestication of animals as well as began growing various crops. As a result, the first civilization of Africa developed.
Initially, hunter and gatherers began to settle in the villages of Africa and began the domestication of animals as well as began growing various crops. As a result, the first civilization of Africa developed.
The geography if Africa helped people to shape the development of culture and civilization in Ancient Africa. Initially, hunters and gatherer began settling in the village. As soon as they settled they began the domestication of animals and began agricultural activities. Soon the geography of Africa helped them to establish trade routes and as a result of all these, there developed the ancient civilization of Africa.
The Olmec, Mayan, Incan, and Aztec civilizations are some of the greatest ancient civilizations in history, and yet we know very little about them compared to other parts of the world. The Olmecs are frequently forgotten entirely, and the rest are often lumped together or confused, but they were all completely distinct. In short, the Maya came first, and settled in modern-day Mexico. Next came the Olmecs, who also settled Mexico. They didn’t build any major cities, but they were widespread and prosperous. They were followed by the Inca in modern-day Peru, and finally the Aztecs, also in modern-day Mexico.
Hopefully this answers your question if it doesn’t and I just overlooked it lmk.
(correct me if i'm wrong:)