<span>Infrared images are basically temperature maps of the land, water, and cloud-top surfaces "seen" by the satellite sensor. Very cold surfaces, such as high cloud tops emitting little infrared radiation, appear bright white . Surfaces with intermediate temperatures appear in gray shadings.
</span><span>The simple rule for Infrared (IR) images is: Warm temperatures appear in dark shades. Cold temperatures appear in light shades.</span>
Skamania County is located on the North American Plate, just like the rest of the state of Washington. The plate immediately to the front is the Juan de Fuca Plate, which runs alongside the coast of Washington.
In fact, most of the United States is located on the North American tectonic plate, including Alaska. Only Western California is located on another plate: The Pacific Plate, whose boundary with the North American Plate is the famous San Andreas Fault.
The Mackenzie River flows into Beaufort Sea and Arctic Ocean.
Reception (sensation) sensory receptors detect the presence of a stimulus.
transduction (sensation) sensory receptors convert stimulus energy into electrochemical energy.
transmission (sensation) ...
selection (perception) ...
organisation (perception) ...
interpretation (perception) ...
sensation. ...
Which of the following activities can you do at salitre magico in bogota?
The correct answer will be the C go on amusement park rides Because Salitre Magico is an amusement park located in Bogotá, Colombia inside the territory of the Parque el Salitre.
Which of the following countries borders Columbia?
c. Ecuador