The appropriate response is Mountain ranges. It is a progression of mountains or slopes went in a line and associated with high ground. A mountain framework or mountain belt is a gathering of mountain ranges with closeness in shape, structure, and arrangement that have emerged from a similar reason, as a rule an orogeny.
Option B
Middle colic arteries is the most likely additional source of blood to the descending colon
The middle colic artery is a section of the superior mesenteric artery. Middle Colic provides the transverse colon, has a branch that runs to the right colon and branch that persists to the left colon that catches up with the left colic artery and proceeds as the marginal artery to provide the descending colon.
The left gastroepiploic artery is one of the sections of the splenic artery. Sigmoid- branch off IMA so barred in this case Splenic- proceeds of the celiac trunk, branches accumulation spleen & pancreas Superior Rectal- a sequence of IMA not possible to participate in this case
Nitrates are used by plants to make amino acids and proteins. Most of the phosphorus cycle takes place at ground level. Phosphate is released by the slow breakdown of rocks. What two main biological processes are responsible for the cycling of oxygen?
1) Crossing over
2) Independent assortment.
Gametes are formed resulting from the process of meiosis where the gametes get half of the original number of chromosomes. One phenomenon that happens during the prophase 1 of Meiosis and leads to the genetic diversification is crossing over. In this process , Here, homologous chromosomes pair up and exchange information present on genes from one another. When information is exchanged, it leads to the diversity of genetic data.
The second way of increasing genetic diversity is independent assortment that takes place during metaphase 1. In this process chromosomes from both father and mother cells align on equatorial plate of the cell in an independent manner. This means that some gamete can have 1 of many different chromosomal combinations.
This reshuffling of chromosomes during independent assortment enhances the genetic diversity of any organism and this also explains why kids of same parents can look or behave very different.
Hope it help!
The one-leg stand test is something the cops do to people when they pull them over depending on the way that person was driving to tell whether you were under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
(Speaking from experience)#dontgetcaught