The answer to your question is West Africa located in the southeast of Algeria.
Harper Lee introduces the major theme of the story by making Cecil Jacobs taunt Scout about their father's act of "defending ni g gers".
Chapter 9 of the text "To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee shows the scene where Scout had gotten angry with Cecil Jacobs for something he had said about Atticus. When he asked Jem what it meant when Cecil said <em>"Scout Finch’s daddy defended ni g gers"</em>. Jem had told her to ask Atticus herself, which brings or introduces the Tom Robinson case for the first time.
When Scout asked Atticus about it, he told her that he is "<em>simply defending a Neg ro—his name’s Tom Robinson. He lives in that little settlement beyond the town dump. He’s a member of Calpurnia’s church, and Cal knows his family well. She says they’re clean-living folks". </em>By bringing up the topic of <em>"ni g gers</em>", we can know or understand that the novel will revolve around the theme of racial discrimination.
Conquistar dichos territorios, estableciendo colonias que abastecieran a España de materias primas.
Una vez que Cristobal Colón descubrió el continente americano en 1492, el Imperio Español vio en América la posibilidad de obtener nuevas fuentes de producción primaria, especialmente de aquellos bienes que hasta ese entonces eran obtenidos a través del comercio con China e India, como metales preciosos y especias. A ese fin fue que se llevaron a cabo nuevos viajes de exploración para determinar la extensión del territorio, tras lo cual se establecieron diversas colonias desde lo que hoy es el sur de los Estados Unidos hasta Argentina.
Research findings suggest she will be somewhat impulsive and conflict-prone
Emotionally reactive and impulsive have a borderline personality disorder. This is the personality in which people struggle to manage their behavior and life. From deciding the fights, impulsive nature can cause you and around yourself. This impulsive behavior cause financial problem for a person as well as the relationship issues occur with the person. There is much treatment that can control the impulsive of a person such as psychotherapy and medication etc.
Answer: art from the past gives archeologist a clue what life was like back in the stone so that they know what people did and wore during that time
hope this helps :)