When an author writes, she meets reader expectations by envisioning herself as the targeted audience.
- "early ripening rice"
- new irrigation techniques and systems
- planting new crops (cotton, tea)
Song Dynasty was a famous Chinese dinasty ruling from 10th till 13th century.
Among other things, this period is famous for massive agricultural improvements which increased crop production. Subsequently, that led to the increase in China's population.
Probably the most famous improvement was the development and use of "early ripening rice". This rice had a shorter life cycle which meant that it could grow 2 - 3 times per year, making more crops.
Also, new irrigation systems and techniques were invented which allowed the crops to be watered more efficiently and preventing drought.
We must not forget that China started farming other crops at that time including tea and cotton.
All of this improved farming making it one of the most notable legacy of the Song Dynasty.
The second sentence:Do you want the leftover spaghetti for dinner?
A friend is a gift you give to yourself. Friends are those people in your life with whom you do not have any blood relation. It’s a relation of love and affection towards other people.
Your friend is someone with whom you feel comfortable and can easily share your thoughts and feelings. You do not have to think twice when you are with your friends. A true friend loves you unconditionally, understands you, but never judges you and always tries to support you and give you good advice. The friendship of Krishna and Sudama is a great example of true friendship.
A true friend is one will always be there when you need someone. He will leave all his important works but will never leave you alone, especially in your difficult times. That is why it is said a friend in need is a friend indeed. Difficult times are the best time to realize who your true friends are. Blessed are the souls who have true friends. It does not matter how many friends you have, what matters is how many true friends you have.
we spend time with our friends. They give us total freedom to be who we are in reality. We should always be grateful to people who make us happy. A true friend is one of the most precious possessions in anyone’s life.