American astronomer and radio engineer who built the first radio telescope and was largely responsible for the early development of radio astronomy, which opened an entirely new research front in the study of the universe.
The "fire and brimstone" style is often referred to as a method of preaching that is used by Christian preachers to paint clear images of hell and eternal doom to all people that are living in sin to change their ways and turn to God so he can forgive them.
This style was made popular by Jonathan Edwards when he preached a sermon titled, "Sinners in the hands of an angry God" during the Great Awakening in the United States.
The line that would be best described as an example of trochee would be "<span> Why so pale and wan, fond Lover?" In addition, a trochee is a poetic meter wherein the line usually starts with a stressed syllable and eventually followed by an unstressed syllable. This metrical foot is commonly used in classic poems.</span>
Let this be so.
His means of death, his obscure burial—
No trophy, sword, nor hatchment o'er his bones,
No noble rite nor formal ostentation,
Cry to be heard, as 'twere from heaven to earth,
That I must call't in question.