This law states an organism has two different alleles for a trait and the allele that is expressed in the phenotype, masking the expression of the other allele,is said to be dominant. The allele whose expression is masked is said to be recessive.
Menstruation, the follicular phase, ovulation and the luteal phase.
Menstruation, the follicular phase, ovulation and the luteal phase are the four events or phases of the menstrual cycle. Luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and the female sex hormones i.e. estrogen and progesterone are the types of hormones that controls the uterine cycle. Each event in the uterine cycle has its own significance in the female body.
<span>One reflex reaction to maintaining homeostasis in the body is shivering. In response to cold temperatures, the muscular system moves our muscles quickly to warm them up as a rapid, short term solution for homeostasis. Another example is the withdrawal reflex, which occurs as a response to pain. Pain receptors activated by the painful stimulus activate the motor neurons in the body, which in turn contract muscles to move parts of your body away from the pain.</span>
Solvents are dissolved in a solute to create a solution. Some examples are sugar solutions, where sugar is the solvent, water is the solute, and the solution is the sugar water that results, as long as the sugar is dissolved evenly in the water.
Hope this helped!
Hip joint
Coxofemoral joint or hip joint. This joint joins the femoral head with the cotyloid cavity of the iliac or coxal bone. Together with the sacrum and the coccyx, both iliacs form a bony waist called the pelvis.
Joint capsule: It is a fibrous cuff that is inserted into the bone perimeter of the cotyloid cavity and the neck of the femur. The capsule is upholstered by a synovial.
Iliofemoral or Bertín: It is inserted in the anterior inferior iliac spine. It is directed downwards through two upper or iliopretrochanteric F.s: it is inserted in front of the facsimiles: F. lower trochanter major or iliopretrochanteric: it is inserted in front of the smaller trochanter.
Pubofemoral: It is inserted into iliopectine eminence, it ends in retrocantineal depression.
Ischio-femoral: It is located on the back of the joint. It originates in the subcotiloid canal and in the periarticular impeller. It ends on the inner side of the greater trochanter (in front of the digital pit).
- Round ligament
- Capsuar ligament.
Round ligament: Measures 3 cm long. It is intraarticular. It extends from the femoral head to the ischiopubial recess of the iliac. It has three fascicles Anterior ends at the anterior end of the recess. Medium ends in the transverse ligament of the Posterior acetabulum passes under the transverse ligament and joins the bone outside the notch.
The round ligament has an artery inside it that supplies the head of the femur. This artery is the branch of the obturator artery. The bottom of the acetabulum, head of the thorn femurllion of the ischium, iliac spine is removed.