hostility and ill-treatment, especially because of race or political or religious beliefs; oppression
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Commencement Speech to the American University... From my poetry and years before when I began writing stories as a kid in little notebooks. ... And spellings, which means the text messages don't count. ... When you've been immersed in reading here at the AU for the last few years.
1. Choose a story and re-read it
2. React personally. What aspects of the story do you seem to be most affected by? You should look at more than one aspect.
3. Determine the theme of the story. What is the main point? HINT: Try to complete this sentence: This story argues that …
4. Connect #2 & 3: How do you see this aspect and the theme relating
It suggests that the child’s first step is a major event.
B. The Espionage act of 1917 and Sedition act of 1918 gave broads weeping powers to the government to punish antiwar dissidents.
Clear and Present Danger" Another major attempt to regulate freedom of speech occurred during World War I. In 1917, Congress passed the Federal Espionage Act. This law prohibited all false statements intending to interfere with the military forces of the country or to promote the success of its enemies.