I found that Marxism is the political and economic theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, that later was developed by their followers to form the basis for the theory and practice of communism ( which is a political theory from Karl Marx that was advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.)
To me Marxism means that people focus on the struggles between the capitalists and the working classes.
I think that the Marxism applies to the Russian Revolution because The Russian Revolution is a period of Political and social revolution across the territory of the Russian Empire.
I found that some consequences was that put an end to the autocratic Tsarist rule, It abolished the Romanov dynasty, It led to the establishment of world's first communist/socialist government, and The new Soviet Government announced its with drawl from the First World War.
Hope this helps you!
He was his son.
You can see it in their names. Quincy was John Quincy Adams' middle name, we just include it when we talk about him to avoid getting him confused with his father.
In my opinion the Greek Democracy had the biggest impact because it was the foundation of Western Civilization democracy. The heart of democracy in Athens was to enable all citizens over the age of 20 to have a hand in the governing of the nation. The United States and many other countries throughout the modern world have adopted democratic governments to give a voice to their people. Democracy provides citizens the opportunity to elect officials to represent them. It also allows citizens to choose to elect a different person to represent them if they are dissatisfied with their current elected officials. Today, democracy and the rule of law provide people around the world with a means of protecting their human rights and holding each other accountable as equals under the law.
Sorry if this doesn't help I am pretty sure this question was asking your opinion so I gave my opinion.
How people behave think and feel give me brainliest pls :)