Los europeos llevaban a un enemigo oculto a los indios: nuevas enfermedades. Los pueblos nativos de América no tenían inmunidad contra las enfermedades que los exploradores y colonos europeos traían consigo. Enfermedades como la viruela, la influenza, el sarampión e incluso la varicela resultaron mortales para los indios americanos.
<span>gabriel's story was an instance of using an anecdote to support a point in a speech.An anecdote is a short narrative that told in a humorous way that is told in order to send a deeper understanding toward a specific issue. By using anedote, a person could address uncomfortable topics without offending the audience too much.</span>
No. If you were a monarch, you would want to preserve the lives of your citizens at any cost. You would try to PREVENT war if you were a monarch.
I hope this helps!