Según lo expuesto en el articulo, cuál es la postura del Gobierno ecuatoguineano con respecto a la inversión extranjera? A La ap
oya , ofreciendo reformas fiscales para los inversores . B La promueve a pesar de la oposición popular a su política aperturista . С La inhibe , nacionalizando las empresas de extracción de crudo D La defiende solamente para un grupo pequeño de paises
According to what is stated in the article, what is the position of the Equatorial Guinean Government regarding foreign investment? A supports it, offering tax reforms for investors. B He promotes it despite popular opposition to his openness policy. С Inhibits it, nationalizing oil extraction companies D Defends it only for a small group of countries.
Answer: Well, Andalucía, Spain is popular by the Flamenco and the bullfighting their most authentic style of there religious song sung at harvest time by peasants and day labourers in the provinces of Málaga.