B.) Ulnar aspect of the hand
Answer: Thermal energy from the fire moves to the water in the form of heat.
Because according to second law of thermodynamic, heat flows from higher to lower temperature region. Heat is the transfer of energy from an object at higher temperature to an object at a lower temperature. so energy flows from warmer to colder objects
All the deserts are found at 30<span>°N because
</span><span>Hot air from the equator rises, then cools, moisture is lost, and the dry air comes down at 30 degrees north and south</span>
1)El ciclo del agua no se inicia en un lugar específico, pero para esta explicación asumimos que comienza en los océanos. ... Corrientes ascendentes de aire llevan el vapor a las capas superiores de la atmósfera, donde la menor temperatura causa que el vapor de agua se condense y forme las nubes.
2)El sol, que dirige el ciclo del agua, calienta el agua de los océanos, la cual se evapora hacia el aire como vapor de agua. Corrientes ascendentes de aire llevan el vapor a las capas superiores de la atmósfera, donde la menor temperatura causa que el vapor de agua se condense y forme las nubes.
i would like to choose sublimation process to explain about water cycle.As mentioned, sublimation is the process in which snow melts and water get vaporized. Ice melts and turns into water which flows to the seas and oceans.When the temperature increases during the day time, water gets vaporized.Water vapour begin to move upward.As we know, temperature decreases with the increase in height.Due to which water vapour rises,cools and then changes into tiny water molecules.Those water molecules forms cloud.Then the clouds get heavier and begin to collide with each other.As a result rain fall occurs.
Evapotranspiration has also the same process but the difference is that it involves vaporization of water from some biological factor like plants and physical factor like from soil .
i think its my first longest answer which i answered here.Thank you for the amaizing question. Its simple but most important topic