If they are writing a biography, they are describing every aspect of a person’s life in detail. Writing chronologically would give insight to the characteristics and development of an individual’s life. Therefore, your answer is B.
A cage full of rats, which is his worse fear.
The sentence is drawing a parallel between the two parties' reasons for going to war. Each of them is associated with a verb: one with "survive," the other with "perish." They are the two antonyms.
Antonyms are words which have opposite meanings. <em>Survive </em>means to contine living, and <em>perish </em>means to stop living.
What Lincoln meant by using this antonym-based parallelism is that the Confederacy fought to end the exisiting nation (meaning, to secede from the North and create a new nation), while the Union fought to keep the nation alive by preventing it from splitting.
<h2>Who says i must another way/to fetch a ladder, by which your love/must climb a birds nest soon when it is dark in romeo and juliet</h2>
<h3><em><u>The </u></em><em><u>N</u></em><em><u>urse</u></em></h3><h2 />
B. <u>Even though you forgot my birthday</u>, I baked a cake for yours.