<span>The Internet has had a very negative effect on newspaper journalists and postal workers. To start with, many people have switched from sending and receiving letters to using email instead, which cuts the amount of post being sent. Also, many people now get their news from social media or online news sites, meaning they do not buy newspapers. These two factors have led to a decrease in profit for the two industries and has meant that some print newspapers cannot survive, meaning journalists working for those papers have lost their jobs.</span><span />
Victorian ideals valued respectability and restraint. One was to be polite and courteous and dutiful, not pushy or overbearing.
The Fabian Society was a group aiming for a moral remaking of Britain according to a socialist model, but they were much more refrained and respectable in their approach than Marxists who sought revolution. Founded in 1883, the Fabian Society sought change by gradual means, not through violence or agitation. They took their name from the Roman general Quintus Fabius <span>Maximus Verrucosus, who was nicknamed "</span><span>Cunctator" ("delayer") for his use of delaying tactics rather than a direct attack in confronting the army of Hannibal in the Second Punic War.</span>
· Political party | Whig (1834–1854) Republican (1854–1865)
One should take care of the nation or country he belongs to very well.
This can be done in various ways such as:
- Paying tax if you are old enough.
- Being patriotic
- Voting
- And many other ways.
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