Before, trains, cars, airplanes and trucks existed, rivers were used for travel. They carried people and goods. However, this way of transportation was very slow. All that changed with the arrival of the steamboat in the late 1700s and early 1800s. The steamboat could travel at the amazing speed of 5 miles per hour. It soon changed all over river travel and trade and dominated the waterways.
Am 1. April 1945 stürmten mehr als 60.000 Soldaten und US-Marines der 10. US-Armee in Okinawa an Land, in der letzten Inselschlacht vor einer erwarteten Invasion des japanischen Festlandes.
three rows of stitches
This 1920's black dress with ribbon embroidery (1984.29.1) owned by Ruth Herndon features a " three rows of stitches" hemline
This can easily be observed in the picture of that particular dress.
Also, it can be observed that there are five leaves of several shades of green ribbon around the center rose. This was followed by three rows of stitches in a warp pattern that appears in a narrow blue ombre ribbon.
Prosperous people lived in houses made of stone or sun-dried slabs. The emperor of the Aztecs lived in a magnificent manor with several chambers and greenhouses. All of the rich had a separate bathing room that was comparable to a sauna. Bathing was an essential part of Aztec everyday life.
The Anglo-Boer War or Second Boer War was fought between 1899 and 1902 by the British Empire and two Boer states, the South African Republic and the Orange Free State.
At the beginning of the conflict the British were overconfident while the Boer states were very well prepared. In the end, the British managed to defeat the Boers and the two states were incorporated to the Union of South Africa, part of the British Empire, in 1910.