Many aspects of today's society have been affected by ancient Rome . Creation of law, development of democratic government practices, influences in language, literature, art, infrastructure, and city-planning are all areas where the influences of Roman ideas can be seen.
The sequence of events led to the court hearing in the case Marbury v. Madison is because Marbury petitioned the Supreme Courtto force the new Secretary of State, James Madison, to deliver the documents. ... The Marbury v.Madison decision expanded the power of the Supreme Court in general, by announcing that the 1789 law which gave the Court jurisdiction in this case was unconstitutional.
Sustainable: Able to use a resource without destroying it or using it up
Dispose: To throw something away
Pollution: Substances that make air, land and water dirty and unsafe for use
Deforestation: The act or result of harvesting all the trees in an area
The amount of territory the US currently has would have been completely different if the national government could only legislate based on what is written in the constitution.
A perfect example of this is the power to purchase land/territories from other countries. This was first done by Thomas Jefferson with the Louisiana Purchase of 1803. The US Constitution does not say that the president has the power to buy land from other countries. However, Jefferson said that this power was "implied" by the Constitution.
This idea of an implied power greatly changed the presidency/national government. Several presidents after Jefferson would follow his lead by making deals with countries for territory.
If it wasn't for this concept of implied powers, the US may not have grown to the 50 states we know it as today.