Stalin wanted the US and Great Britain to open a second front in France because it would divide the German military. During the time of this statement, Germany's only real military threat came from the Soviet Union. With this in mind, Hitler had the ability to put a huge number of troops on the Soviet Union/German border.
However, if the US and Great Britain planned an invasion through France, that means Hitler would have to move hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions, of troops to France. France, in relation to the Soviet Union, was over 1,000 miles away.
Forcing Germany to fight this two front war would decrease their chance of success.
The idea that humans evolved in Africa can be traced to Charles Darwin. In his 1871 book The Descent of Man, Darwin speculated that it was “probable” that Africa was the cradle of humans because our two closest living relatives—chimpanzees and gorillas—live there. However, he also noted, a large, extinct ape once lived in Europe millions of years ago, leaving plenty of time for our earliest ancestors to migrate to Africa. So, he concluded, “it’s useless to speculate on the subject.”
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