1. New Imperialism
2. Social Darwinism
3. raw materials
4. India
5. Missionaries
6. sepoy
7. New Imperialism focused on Africa and Asia, while the previous wave of imperialism focused on the Americas. New Imperialism involved Russia and Japan, in addition to European nations while the previous imperialism only involved the latter. New technologies, such as the machine gun, were important in conquering the colonies during New Imperialism. Industrialization drove New Imperialism, whereas the previous wave helped develop industrialization. Private corporations were a part of New Imperialism, which was different from previous imperialism. Both types of imperialism saw dominant countries invade others to extract raw materials and leverage cheap or forced labor to create wealth. Attitudes of superiority due to ethnicity and religious differences rationalized both types of imperialism.
8. Social Darwinism was a theory that stated that some races were more evolved than others. This gave Europeans a justification for conquering "less civilized" continents such as Africa and Asia.
9. New Imperialism was motivated by the desire of Europeans and the Japanese to control raw materials and use cheap or forced labor. Africa and Asia were rich in raw materials such as gold, tea, diamonds, and spices, all of which were valuable in European economies.
10. Western education and Christian religion impacted colonial societies by converting indigenous peoples to Western practices. Peoples who adopted Western ways could enjoy advancement in colonial society. However, these practices sometimes came into conflict with traditional cultural practices.
straight from pf my guy