To represent were they from and to represent where they come from. Women's always wear these so that they could represent their country and people they are just use to it so that it will make them comfortable. El huipil is important because they are ropa tradicional para las mujeres indígenas mayas from Guatemala. El huipil are artículos de ropa muy coloridos y decorativos and it represents their pueblo y estatus social.
1.) ? 2.El huipil is important because they are ropa tradicional para las mujeres indígenas mayas from Guatemala 3. ? 4.El huipil are artículos de ropa muy coloridos y decorativos and it represents their pueblo y estatus social.
Explanation:I did not answer number 1 and 3 because those are your opinion like 1 is what's you opinion on the hupil and 3 is if you know if where you're from you use any traditional clothing.