Answer: The Israelites are the basis of 2 major religious groups: Christianpity and Judaism. This has left a lasting impact on the world because in these religion they tell Israelits history through Bible stories.
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Explanation: The response to the context ... turning point associated with the events, ideas, or historical developments ... Explain the historical circumstances that led to the development of the Treaty of Versailles.
By the end of March 1918 there were still only 284,000 American soldiers in France
Vertical lines using steel frames
<span>Stokely Carmichael was born in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, on June 29, 1941. Carmichael rose to prominence as a member and later the chairman of SNCC, working with Martin Luther King Jr. and other Southern leaders to stage protests. Carmichael later lost faith in the tactic of non-violence, promoting "Black Power" and allying himself with the militant Black Panther Party.</span>