yes what are the queshton
There are not enough bicycles for the residents of the Kilbarchan Home for Boys.
Phillip Hoose's short story "Justin Lebo" tells the story of a ten-year-old boy named Justin Lebo who decided to make bikes from worn-out bike parts for a good cause. The struggle and the determination that the young boy had in his aim to make bikes for every single boy in the Home made him a sensation and also provides him the happiness and contention he needed about himself.
In the given passage, Justin and his mother were driving back from the home. His mind was racing for he had only given two repaired bikes for a number of boys in a shelter home. His question <em>"How would all those kids decide who got the bikes?"</em> reveals the main conflict of who gets the two bikes out of the many boys in the home.
Thus, the correct answer is that there are not enough bikes for the boys in the Kilbarchan Home.
Mid-14c., "one whose profession is to plead cases in a court of justice," a technical term from Roman law, from Old French avocat "barrister, advocate, spokesman," from Latin advocatus "one called to aid; a pleader, advocate," noun use of past participle of advocare "to call" (as witness or advisor) from ad- "to" (see ...