Hsjjaanzcsjwkzkak siaoisisjzkw
Israel started a pre-emptive attack on Egypt in May of 1967 which culminated into a Six-Day war. The correct answer sems to be Syria because preemptive attack does not mean start of the war
Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity in the year 1879.
Hope this helps!
Former President Jimmy Carter was defeated by Reagan in the Election of 1980.
Hitler´s rise to power started after the end of World War I. He joined a political party which´s name he changed as soon as 1920 to "Nationalsozialistiche Deutsche Arbeiterpartei" , meaning National Socialist German Worker´s Party, which we usually know simply as Nazi Party. Anti-Marxist and opposed to the Treaty of Versailles and the Weimar Republic soon started with a srong anti-semitism. The culmination of his rise to power was the "Enabling Act" that permitted him to exercise great power without control.