Answer and Explanation:
Malala had the ambition to become a teacher, a doctor or a politician, however, after being attacked by the Taliban and banned from studying, Malala mustered her ambition and decided to work in search of quality education for any child anywhere in the world, mainly for girls.
She believes that politics can change the world, because it is the policy that dictates the rules and decides how society will be established in relation to any social element, including quality education, cobate violence, religious freedom and the suppression of the authoritarianism. In short, politics is capable of bringing about change and good changes change the world for the better.
Primary sources are usually those written from people who experienced that event and/or provides evidence such as an item of clothing or even an oral account of explanations. An example of this would be Anne Frank's Diary or A pillar engraved with hieroglyphics.
“All Men Are Created Equal”.
This was the embodiment of the Declaration of Independence that everyone
is equal no matter who they are.
Initially however, this was not true due to the fact that slavery was
being practiced in the colonies so that means that not everyone was equal. It would take a long process before that was
They're families hate each other and there would be no chance of them being excepted.