The French army helped America corner the British by making a blockade and preventing any escape by water whilst the Americans attacked and sealed off any escape by land.
I would say answer B. The other answers are during the Revoluionary War that was caused BY the Decleration of Independance.
Answer and Explanation:
1. Because the "shot" represents a battle that echoed around the world, influencing battles elsewhere in the world, or involving several countries in the same battle. This is because this "shot" refers to the American revolution, which inspired other colonial territories to fight for independence. This "shot" may also represent the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, who started the second world war that involved several countries and even created the basis for the second world war.
2. The American revolution showed that it was possible for a colony to come into conflict with the country that dominated it and win by becoming independent. This inspired colonies across the European, African and Asian continents to fight for their freedoms, even though it seemed unlikely that they would win.
3. Because this was a simple, but very impressive way to show the importance of the battles of the American revolution to the whole world.
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FORTNITE IS THE BOMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!