B. Active participation in public life by property-owning citizens.
Voting rights in the North American colonies were restricted to those white males who own some property. There was an ample civic space for young American adults to participate. Therefore elections were seen as an important forum to participate in speeches, celebrations, and parades. This political participation gives an essence of liberty to the colonized Americans.
Essentially the Scientific Revolution contributed to the progress, reason, andfraternal aspects of the Enlightenment. Through debunking long held superstitious / religious beliefs, producing a secular body of reasoned work, and by creating a network of learned fraternal Scientific Societies, who not only collaborated in theoretical fields, but in the application of new discoveries to practical and commercial purposes, along with offering libraries of the latest Scientific papers and lecturers. Enabling and funding further investigation, in a meritocratic circle eg. the Lunar Society of Birmingham.
Worth noting, the Agricultural revolution, which was applying scientific method to food production, was also vital as its gains freed manpower for the new urban mines and factories.
Eichmann trial was different in several ways. The public could, for the first time, watch coverage of the trial on television. The Eichmann trial brought the true scope of the Holocaust into public focus, filling the pages of newspapers with the stories of Holocaust survivors. While previous trials, including the Nuremberg Trials, had focused primarily on documentary evidence, the Eichmann trial called Holocaust survivors to the stand to share their personal experiences, with approximately 100 survivors taking the stand and testifying during the trial, which lasted from April 1960 until August 1961.
Answer:Slavs are subdivided into East Slavs, West Slavs, and South Slavs. ... of peoples in Europe, residing chiefly in eastern and southeastern Europe but extending