Hi there
The answer is : September 18, 1947.
I hope that's help !
Answer: Latinamericans felt themselves inferiors in their own countries. They could not held offices and they did not have full civil rights. In some countries (Brazil) there was a slavery. French and American revolutions translated ideas of Enlightenment (rationalism, constitutionalism, civil, political and human rights).
Explanation: In some Latinamerican countries there was no sufficient schooling and literacy what made the situation a bit difficult. Political and social emancipation took place only between higher, richer and more educated levels of society.
Consumer Culture
A society in which mass production and consumption of nationally advertised products comes to dictate much of social life and status.
Jazz Age
Term coined by writer F. Scott Fitzgerald to characterize the spirit of rebellion and spontaneity among young Americans in the 1920's, a spirit epitomized by the hugely popular jazz music of the era.
Young women of the 1920's whose rebelling against prewar standards of feminist included wearing shorter dresses, bobbing their hair, dancing to jazz music, driving my cars, smoking cigarettes, and indulging in illogical drinking and gambling.
Harlem Renaissance
The nation's first self-conscious black literary and artistic movement, centered in New York City's Harlem district, which had a largely black population in the wake of the Great Migration from the South.
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
Organization founded in 1910 by black activists and white progressives that promoted education as a means of combating social problems and focused on Leah all action to secure the civil rights supposedly guaranteed by the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments.
An early-twentieth-century cultural movement that rejected traditional notions of reality and adopted radical new forms of artistic expression.
Reactionary conservative movement characterized by heightened nationalism, anti-immigration sentiment, and laws setting stricter regulations on immigration.
Sacco and Vanzetti Case (1921)
Trail of two Italian immigrants that occurred at the height of Italian immigration and against the backdrop of numerous terror attacks by anarchists despite the lack of clear evidence, the two defendants, both self professed anarchists, were convicted of mister and executed.
Immigration Act of 1924
Federal legislation intended to favor northern and Western European immigrants over those from southern and Eastern Europe by restricting the number of immigrants from any one European country to 2 percent of the total number of immigrants per year, with an overall limit of slightly over 150,000 new arrivals per year.
Scopes Trial (1925)
Highly publicized trail of a high school teacher in Tennessee for violating a state law the prohibited the teaching of evolution, the trail was seen as the climax of the fundamentalist war on Darwinism.
When Judge Sanders makes his ruling, he is expected to base his decision on the "interpretation of law" since regardless of judge's background or experience he or she is expected to be impartial to outside influences.
Answer: b.
Apply for a green card.
<span>A green
card must be obtained first before being deemed legible to pass an application
for naturalization. A green card holder has been granted permanent residence in
the United States and they are permitted by law to live and work in the
country. </span>