Social Submissive - usually concerned with facts and not emotion, and will not give you the time of day if they think it might interfere with their goals for the day. These people are usually direct, serious, and like to be dealt with at a distance. These people are usually passive and will avoid confrontation or interactions as much as possible - especially if they may become upset - they also will not want to upset anyone else.
Quiet Submissive - always willing to do what they are told to do and often will not disagree with the request
Time contextTime context considers the authors time and place to where he/she receives and conceives opinion from different perspectives and dialogues.
Thank you for your question. Please don't hesitate to ask in Brainly your queries.
The correct answers are B. direct quotation, D. original ideas, <span>A. common knowledge information, and </span>C. summary of a discussion
Tables and diagrams are not necessary but they can be helpful. Without providing these four a writer can be accused of plagiarism.
Know you audience and tailor your writing to them. This will help them relate or "see" what you're writing.
If you are telling a story to young children, use simple words and be descriptive and enthusiastic.
If you are writing to impress a college admitter, use complex words and formal diction.
If you are writing for a religious audience, maybe write a sermon0type passage and include religion in your writing.