To their great wonder they saw that the village had disappeared and that a broad lake had taken its place. No house had been left standing save their own humble cottage.
This is the right answer
The tornado did a lot of damage to his shelter and threw him on the other side of it. It also put out his fire, and without a shelter, the mosquitoes were bitting him to death.
Have a goodday
The general answer given below about the passage "Indifference the, is not only a sin, it is a punishment" is likely to help you answer the question. The reason for this general answer is that I was unable to find the answer choices for this question online:
- In his speech "The Perils of Indifference," Elie Wiesel discusses how apathy in front of human suffering can lead to a tragedy.
- By saying that indifference is a punishment, he means that being indifferent (doing nothing) when seeing others suffering is the same as hurting them.
- When we do not help a victim, we are siding with the criminal. When we do not feed the hungry or aide the sick, we are watching them die. Therefore, indifference is as cruel as hurting others.
- Elie Wiesel is a survivor of the Holocaust. Therefore, he knows what it feels like to be beaten, starved, tortured and have no one at all help you.
- Wiesel knows, thus, how awful indifference is. As he suffered in the hands of the Nazi, he wondered why no one did anything to help.
- Why didn't other countries intervene to free the prisoners? Why were people watching millions of people die, killed by a cruel regime, without doing anything to stop it?
- In "The Perils of Indifference," Wiesel condemns inaction, apathy, inertia.
- According to him, <u>doing nothing is as good as harming</u>. If you don't help, you contribute to the suffering.
- The only one who gains something from indifference is the criminal, the aggressor.
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