Waiting for the sunrise. You really feel an appreciation for the beauty of nature.
In MLA format, when you directly quote, paraphrase, or summarize an outside source, you must always use in-text citations.
In MLA formatting, an in-text citation is used to tell readers that information comes from a different source.
If there is more than one source of information, then you must provide a citation at the end of the document.
In paraphrasing, you express the idea of another author or scholar in your own words.
While giving in-text citations in MLA format, one must provide the author's last name and page number in the text while a detailed citation should be given at the end.
If you need to learn more about MLA format, click here:
Can u tell me which act this is
The center of the world, a sacred place to Gods and Goddesses.
Answer: You could simplify the language and references so that most people could understand this excerpt.