Dialogue helps reveal the character's personalities and attitudes. Dialogue reveals the character's feelings towards situations and other people. Dialogue helps show the interaction and relationships between other characters. Dialogue also shows the character's backgrounds. Ex: If a character is very talkative and hyper, it shows that the character has a social and out-spoken personality trait
Reduced spending, 24 hour/day contacting council members, improved transport/energy efficiency, lower carbon emissions, increased availability of software, reduced fuel costs, energy efficient households
B. A possessive noun should have its instead of it's (which is a contraction for it is).
For A. Diana is a singular noun and the apostrophe should come after the r instead of after the s.
For C. The duck would've dunked ITS instead of IT'S beak since it is possessive.
For D. You do not need to put an apostrophe since theirs is already a possessive noun.
Dear mom,
I know that this is coming late.
I do not know how else to say this Mom but I am so sorry. I am not saying this because I feel bad that I was absolutely wrong, and you were right; I am saying it because even if I really didn’t want your advice, I could have at least done so without offending you or ignoring you.
I realize there is more wisdom in the advice you give me than I know, do forgive me.
I cannot even begin to imagine the hurt you must feel watching me do the very things you warned me of and falling victim to the very scenario you tried to prevent me from.
I love you now, forever and always.
Thank you.