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commonly called Pride of Barbados is found in the tropical regions. It's origin is still unknown but it is believed that Pride of Barbados is native to the West Indies and tropical America. It is widely cultivated in tropical regions throughout the world, which include tropic and sub-tropic region of America. It contains gallic and tannic acid which is poisonous to humans.
As <u>Cesalpinia pulcherria</u> is considered to be native of West Indies or North American region, and the Barbados is a small island country in West Indies, so that's how its common name comes that is the <u>Pride of Barbados</u>. Pride of Barbados belongs to the FAMILY - LEGUMINOSAE and to the SUB-FAMILY - FABACEAE.

The arrangement of placenta within the ovary is known as placentation. Ovules are attached to the inner wall of special tissues which are called placenta, the ovules are attached by the small stalk called funicules. There are several type of Placentations i.e. Basal, Marginal, central, axile, parietal.
Placentation in Plants of Barbados is Marginal, Marginal Placentation is when in which the placenta forms a ridge along the ventral suture(The line of fusion where the margins of the mega-sporophypl join) of the ovary and the ovules develop on two separate rows is known to have marginal placentation.

Gynoecium is a female whorl of the flower. It is composed of Carpels. Carpel is composed of Sigma, Style and Ovary.
Gynoecium in Pride of Barbados is Monocarpellary(one carpel), Ovary Superior(An ovary attached above other floral parts is termed superior), consist of one chamber(unilocular), many ovules are present along the margin. Seed is non-endospermic and Fruit is legume.

Flower is the reproductive organ of a plant. Morphologically it is very modified shoot. It is developed in the axil of leaf or at a.p.e.x of stem & branch. Flower is also produced in group which is called the inflorescence. If stalk called pedicel is present then flower is called pedicellate, If pedicel is absent Flower is called sessile. If small leaf or scale called bract is present then flower is called bracteate, if absent then called ebracteate.
Flower in Pride of Barbados is Pedicellate, complete, bisexual, zygomorphic, perigynous, showy and scented pentamerous.

- Butterflies are the primary pollinators of Caesalpinia pulcherrima and the pollen is carried primarily on their wings.
- Plant of Barbados is poisonous
- It has some anti-inflammatory substances.
- This plant grows in sunny regions thus It has great heat resistant feature
- It can grow easily in very dry soil. This is due to its drought resistant features.
<h2>_____________________________________</h2><h2>Best Regards,</h2><h2>'Borz'</h2><h2 />