A.Children sometimes act out when they're attempting to figure out who they are. sweet-voiced nursery-school tot replaced by a long-trousered, swaggering character who forgot to stop at the corner and wave good-bye to me.”
Children sometimes act out when they're attempting to figure out who they are.
Laurie was a sweet child,but as time passed the more rude the child became.
Krogstad is going to try to take his job back from Mrs. Linde, and the audience knows it, but Mrs. Linde does not know that this will happen.
Gender stereotypes. The typical "female" is often portrayed as shopping addicted, always on her phone, and someone who hates physical exercise of any kind. Sometimes it may be hard to step out of the stereotypes and be oneself due to the fear that someone may criticize them for playing sports, which sadly many people think is a "guy thing".
Peer pressure from other females can contribute to this as well. If a girl even expresses her interest for a particular sport, others may call it "lame" or "for the guys".
It's kind of sad in a way, thinking we have come such a long way yet women are unable to pursue their dreams without persecution or hate.