They speak French in many areas.
he belief, common among so-called primitive people, that objects and natural phenomena, such as rivers, rocks, and wind, are alive and have feelings and intentions. Animistic beliefs form the basis of many cults. ( See also fetish and totemism .)
United States have over 500 million people living
Global trade can have many fundamental effects on countries around the world. International trade results in the rapid development of countries and infrastructure. In addition, global trade can introduce new products and materials to countries, increasing development. This exposes countries to a variety of goods and services that were previously unavailable in their domestic economies. Imports from other countries also tend to lower consumer prices, which has a positive effect on global economies. Overall, global trade is central to the economic development of countries worldwide and positively impacts quality of living.
Ever since researchers sequenced the chimp genome in 2005, they have known that humans share about 99% of our DNA with chimpanzees, making them our closest living relatives.