This question seems to be incomplete because the experiment is not described but it is possible to answer it.
The correct answer is B. Redi disproved spontaneous generation.
Francesco Redi was an important scientist during the 17th century known for his experiments about maggots in rotten meat. This is because during Redi's time it was believed rotten meat was the origin of maggots because maggots seemed to emerge from this. Additionally, this perception was related to the spontaneous generation or the idea life can emerge from non-living materials. The results of this experiment show the idea about spontaneous generation was not true in the case of meat and maggots because maggots were simply the result of eggs flies laid on rotten meat. This means this experiment disproved spontaneous generation.
Provide a closed environment.
Clean the hatch chamber with chemical.
Biosecurity is a measure which is taken in order to protect or prevent the population of existing species from infestation of harmful organisms and chemical substances. The hatchery should provide a closed environment in order to prevent the entry of harmful organism. Cleaning of the chamber where eggs were hatched with chemicals in order reduce the infestation of microorganism.
ln most cases inorder to obtain the mass of a liquid one measures the mass of both the liquid and the container it is in and after wards remeasures the container alone and later subtract the mass of the container alone from the total mass of both the container and the liquid
It is possible that there are side effects to a garden. One possible side effect is the excessive amount of moisture which could loosen up the soil. Also a bunch of bugs will begin to appear that could just eventually kill the garden in the long run if not treated properly
The Collective Set of Alleles in a Population Is Its Gene Pool. The fact that genes exist in alternate forms, called alleles, forms the basis for the study of population genetics.
(I believe this is the correct answer)