Stress causes an increased production of a steroid hormone known as cortisol. <span>It functions to increase </span>blood sugar<span>, to suppress the </span>immune system<span>, and to aid in the </span>metabolism<span> of </span>fat<span>, </span>protein<span>, and </span>carbohydrates.<span> It also decreases bone formation.</span>
Tuberculosis is a bacterial infection caused by <em>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</em>.
It is spread via air when affected people cough, sneeze, spit or speak.
It mostly affects the lungs, thus, damaging the respiratory system. Affected people have difficulty breathing, produce bloody mucus and have a chronic cough.
Antibiotic treatment is used for treating it but many people have developed resistance to the antibiotic treatment, giving rise to a new condition called Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB).