1.be (a part) of a whole.
"single parents constitute a great proportion of the poor"
synonyms: amount to, add up to, account for, form, make up, compose, comprise, represent
"farmers constituted 10 percent of the population"
give legal or constitutional form to (an institution); establish by law.
synonyms: inaugurate, initiate, establish, found, create, set up, put in place, start, begin, originate, form, organize, develop, shape; More
C . Friendship is more valuable
Matchlocks were primed, cartridges rammed home, and swords loosened in their sheaths. Was it the Tuaregs again across our path? But Mohammed, the keen-eyed, shouted joyfully— “The oasis, the oasis! I see the palm-trees.”
this would be the answer because of the way that they are over joyed when they find the Oasis.
The Topic/Main Idea/Subject
Its the last one!! (Thomas Jefferson and John Adams had an up-and-down, long-term friendship, which Jefferson wrote about in letters to friends.) hope this helps:)
They never said who specifically wrote it but it reveals that in the last one.