"Horus was the son of Osiris, a god of nature whose power was manifest (clear) in the ebb (movement of water out to sea) and flo
od of the Nile. Osiris himself had once ruled Egypt, aided by his wife and sister, Isis, before he was brought down by his murderously jealous brother Seth, who dismembered (cut apart] Osiris and scattered his parts over the land. The faithful Isis went about collecting the pieces and patched them back together, thus resurrecting [bringing back to life] Osiris, who retired from his earthly responsibilities to become lord of the afterworld. Horus was left to contend [deal with] with his uncle, Seth, for dominion (rule) over Egypt. . . . [T]he earth god, Geb, declared Horus the victor and pronounced (declared] him King of Egypt." -The Age of God Kings, 3000-1500 B.C. 14.
According to the passage, how did Isis resurrect [bring back to life] Osiris? A. She collected his pieces and patched him back together. B. She dismembered Osiris and scattered his pieces. C. She had Geb declare him the victor over Seth. D. She threw the pieces of Osiris into the Nile at flood stage.