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The answer is they had skills similar to modern people
Explanation: Neolithic is a chronological division of the so-called Prehistory of Humanity, from 10,000 BC to 4,000 BC Neolithic means “new stone” or Polished Stone Age.
These denominations indicate that the divisions in this period of human existence were made from the development of man-made artifacts, as well as the development of some practices regarding their action on nature.
I don't know which came first, but Harappa, Lothal, and Mohenjo-Daro are the major cities from the Harappan civilization.
McCarthy is trying to win the audience to his viewpoint straightaway by inducing one of America's most loved presidents of all times.Once you have drawn the attention of your audience,they are going to listen to you to the end of your speech hopefully.
As we celebrate the birth of this man who with his whole heart and soul hated war, I would like to be able to speak of peace in our time, of war being outlawed, and of world-wide disarmament.
And because that day was the birthday of Abraham Lincoln,it was very apt to mention Abraham's name as he always championed for disarmament and no war policies and wanted peace and prosperity for all.
The Cold War, a "war" of attrition and nuclear build-up between the United States and the Soviet Union, greatly shaped American culture by the people's emphasis on space and science to beat out the Soviets.