Her comparisons emphasize her undying love for her husband
In the poem, "To My Dear Loving Husband", Anne Bradstreet tells about her love that she has for her husband. The poet describes her feeling and the value that she has for her husband. She wants the love between them to retain forever. She celebrates the love that they have for each other. She adds that she had been loved by her husband the most as compared to any other women. She compares her love to the 'rivers' that 'cannot quench'. The poet had used figurative languages to express the depth feeling of love and tenderness.
1. Think of two examples: Maybe you think that developing countries does not have as much art - which does contribute to the happiness of the people. Second, maybe the living conditions.
Few advancements in scientific knowledge were made. Scientists discovered new evidence to support their theories. Scientists discovered that old interpretations of data was incorrect. Scientists used observations and mathematical data to solve problems in new ways.