The allies would have lost the war
Chile es un país rico en recursos naturales, con una cultura variada y ubicado en el fin del mundo. Cuenta con una historia de doscientos años desde sus inicios, pero para lograr lo que somos hoy en día se debió pasar por diversas etapas que marcaron nuestra actual identidad.
Desde el comienzo cuando el continente fue descubierto por el reino de España en la conquista, durante el siglo XVI se estableció una colonia en manos de Pedro de Valdivia bajo el virreinato del Perú. Frente a estos hechos basaremos nuestro ensayo, en el cual analizaremos y explicaremos la organización política colonial junto con sus derivadas administraciones y de esta manera proceder a hacer una comparación con el sistema de los años posteriores a la …ver más…
The main impact De Soto's expedition was disease.The Native Americans did not have any immunity to European diseases since they had never been in contact with them. The most detrimental of illness was the smallpox. They also were introduced to animals such as horses, war dogs, and pigs.
In general, globalization decreases the cost of manufacturing. This means that companies can offer goods at a lower price to consumers. The average cost of goods is a key aspect that contributes to increases in the standard of living. Consumers also have access to a wider variety of goods
Two reasons created a negative image of the Avignon papacy are:
1. Inspite of 72 years of dictatorship unable to reform itself. 2. Even was unable to finish the draw line of 100 years long war.
From 1305 to 1377 these long 72 years of of Roman churches the Avignon papacy was not able to reform itself means the its appearance and work layout was same as like earlier days which not expected as with time it should gradually change its form.
Even of this lonf tenure Avignon papacy was unable to draw the finish lone of long 100 years war. It was one of the drawback and negative side of avignon papacy. George XI witnessed the ruins of the city who was the last bishop of Roman church.