constitutional monarchy
Japan has a parliamentary type of government such as Canada and Britain. Unlike the French or the Americans, the Japanese do not elect their president directly. Diet members will elect their prime minister among themselves. The duty of the prime minister is to form and lead the cabinet of the ministers of the state.
Hope this helped!!
England was the dominant commercial power in the Atlantic ocean in the mid-1700s. During this period, the English society contained a flourishing and more broad middling sector than any other western country. This provided a sturdy opportunity for commerce with, and settlement in, far-flung territories.
The Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights affected the colonial government by:
Magna Carta- influenced many other documents for rights; limited powers of king and over time the rights were granted to English people, not just noblemen and freemen
English Bill of Rights- the government was to be based on the laws of Parliament, not the desires of the king; later help create salutary neglect-a hands-off policy that lead the colonists to act on their own
They inspired the English colonists to create the Constitution.
American presidential election, 1828