Disbanded after Reconstruction, the KKK returned to national prominence in the 1920s to direct its hatred against African Americans, Catholics, Jews, and immigrants. Disbanded after Reconstruction, the KKK returned to national prominence in the 1920s to direct its hatred against African Americans, Catholics, Jews, and immigrants.
Thomas Jefferson, a distinguished representative from Virginia (even a former governor), was charged by the Continental Congress to write the Declaration of Independence of 1976 together with John Adams and Benjamin Franklin. However, the draft is mainly Jefferson´s work. US independence was proclaimed on July 4, 1776.
Communists were treated badly, as Chiang Kai-shek consider them his main enemy in the country. He decided to fight against them in to destroy them. That is why he gathered a large army with a task to surround them and destroy them. Communists who were outnumbered decided to flee, which led to the famous Long March, a 6 000 mile long journey towards the North.
Around 100 000 Communist were running in front Chiang Kai-shek's army. A lot of them died due to awful conditions during the journey.
Those who survived settled in northwestern China, in caves where they started recreating the Communist movement.
C is the correct answer
The Northwest Ordinance established policies for the creation of new states and the admitting of those states into confederation
I think the appropriate response is no. It was misguided and shortsighted.Both Britain and France were less needy financially on exchange with the US than Jefferson envisioned, however then financial matters never was his solid suit.
The War of 1812 was more to do with the possibility that Britain, its assets secured in the long haul battle against Napoleon, would be not able make any successful guard of Canada which could in this manner effectively be conquered.However, Britain had since a long time ago settled maritime amazingness over France and was along these lines ready to utilize its naval force to disable the US economy and power Madison into an arranged peace.