Loan amount = $184,193.95
Interest will remain same each year. Interest per year = 200,000*10% = $20,000
Installment $21,215.85
Less: Interest <u>$20,000</u>
Payment to Principal <u>$1,215.85</u>
Total principal repaid in 13 years = $1,215.85 * 13 years = $15,806.05
So, the principal left = $200,000 - $15,806.05 = $184,193.95
They would need way more credit and more money to pay for it
Modified Internal Rate of Return (MIRR) is higher than the discount rate. Therefore, this offer should be accepted.
Find the given attachment
B) False: since it is still a closely held C corporation, it cannot reduce its ordinary income through passive losses. If it hadn't been a closely held C corporation then it could have made the deductions.
Passive losses are losses resulting from financial activities, i.e. investments in other corporations where the investor doesn't participate in.
Passive losses cannot offset ordinary income, they must be matched against passive gains only. If passive losses exceed passive gains, they can be carried forward without limitation.
The only exception applies to C corporations that are not;
- closely held corporations or
- personal service corporations.
Qualifying C corporations can actually deduct passive losses from certain ordinary income.
Closely held C Corporations are corporations where during the last 6 months, 50% or more of its stock is owned by 5 or fewer investors.
Answer: B. It is shifting from a planned to a free-market economy.