It is called Gender Segmentation. Gender Segmentation is the way toward separating of potential markets in view of sexual orientation (male or female). Gender Segmentation is done when an organization which makes items needs to concentrate just towards young men or young ladies, as the items are exceptionally sexual orientation particular. It encourages organizations to separate the market into littler gatherings and winds up plainly less demanding for them to focus on the potential clients.
The workers who worked at factories faced the qorst wirking and living condition in mid-nineteenth-centry America.
In the Europe of 1800's, the beliefs displayed in this question could be labeled as follows:
Conservative: The government should be led by a monarch with legitimacy from God; the government should mantain stability through a social class system. The explanation is that, those who call themselfs conservatives do so because they are in favor to keep things the way they are, manteining the status quo; the type of government that ruled Europe in 1800 was the monarchy, and they believed that stability could be reached by a social class system, the royal family and the plebeians.
Liberal: People should be able to work their way up the social ladder; the government should emphasize citizens' rights as listed in a constitution. Liberals, in general, believe and praise freedom for all people, and often the government's intervention in society is questioned; some say that the government's role should be smaller, intervening only in crucial questions, like the assurance of rights, while others believe that the government should have a central power figure.
The correct answer is - 33.97%.
Germany has a solid amount of arable land, and it is in the range of almost 34% (33.97% to be more precise) of the total land mass of the country. This land is heavily used, and Germany has a highly sophisticated and well organized production on this land, which enables it to both produce food for its own needs, and also for export in the other countries.
I think is yes because if they never occurred than no one would discovered or have those things they will have to try to make them by themselves