America is awash in ugly, hateful speech. White nationalists march defiantly, and their slogans are echoed in murderous rampages. Government officials revel in disparaging the very people they patrol. Many people—and I’m one of them—argue that the president’s rhetoric encourages this grotesque and shameful state of affairs even as he nominally condemns it. This has all led to more discussion about free speech and its limits.
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In the first paragraph of <em>A vindication of the rights of women</em>, Wollstonecraft uses antithesis when she says "that either nature has made a great difference between man and man, or that the civilization which has hitherto taken place in the world has been very partial". She does this to state the main point of her argument: that men are women are born equally but it is civilization that creates the differences between them.
She immediately states that she has read various books about education and "observed the conduct of parents and the managements of schools", and it is "the neglected education" of women the source of their misery. This is, women would be as able as men if they received the same education.
The correct answer is what you have down. When phones had cords