When this case would appear, one thing that I would do personally would first, go to the settings, in then, after having this done, I would then "scroll down" to where ti would say "restore (uefi/bios) files, and from there, you would get every value that would would have from the beginning in your chip.
And also, what is truly unique would be the fact that you would be able to choose the "restore point" that you would like for it to appear.
The department of homeland security mission is to provide the efficient and good security system to the nation in all the aspects against the terrorism.
The main aim of the department of homeland security mission is to anticipate fear based oppressor assaults inside the United States, decrease the weakness of the United States to psychological oppression, and limit the harm, and aid the recuperation from psychological oppressor assaults that do happen in the United States.
The main responsibility of this department is that:
- Providing the security against the threats of terrorism attacks
- Providing the effective and quick recovery from the disaster
- Also, give the secured cyber space to the homeland.
yes. the above is correct
Explanation: q posted