B) Growing up means accepting oneself.
The narrorator is highlighting the differences between her and her brothers, showing how she is different from them. That makes me think that B would be the answer, as she is accepting her differences from her siblings. This is me kind of making an assumption, but if I were doing this quiz that is the answer I would choose.
Title of work, what project, and what class, I'm pretty sure
The 1st one is brave/courage (what you put)
The 2nd one is high value
The third one is the last one “no thing that I treasure more”
The fourth one is courage
The fifth one is I think the last one because she treasured it more from the qualities that are mother showed.
burdens can be a yoke around your neck
The elements are Anagnorisis, Catharsis and Peripeteia
This piece of theater written by Sophocles presents several elements of the Greek tragedy, which are: anagnorisis which is the recognition of who is, in the case of Oedipus the murderer of his father, and husband of his mother; the peripeteia
that is the passage to fortune for the misfortune of the hero; the catharsis that is the moment of commotion in the audience, when the hero, who was made for the audience to identify with him, suffers the consequences of his tragic failure with the peripécia. Thus, we have in Oedipus King many elements for the constitution of a work of complete Greek tragedy