For immigrants in New York, the American Dream did come true and they were able to get work and change their lives. For refugees, the American Dream came true when they were able to avoid the issues of their homelands and get a fresh start. The criticism that reality falls short of the American Dream is at least as old as the idea itself.
Rocks and minerals are not the same thing.
Rare property of obsidian that is advantageous to archaeologists is that it occurs in volcanic flows that are remarkably homogeneous in chemical composition within a flow, but preserve elemental signatures that are unique to volcanic centers, and in some cases individual flows.
C. wetland
A wetland is an area of land, generally flat, whose surface is permanently or intermittently flooded.When regularly covered with water, the soil becomes saturated, becoming depleted of oxygen and giving rise to a hybrid ecosystem between purely aquatic and terrestrial Considering that the fundamental concept of a wetland or wetland is not water as such but rather "humidity", we can speak of "wet ecosystems" interdependent of water, whether surface or underground.